Immundnz Routes

Immundnz, based on years of immological experience, assists you in answering drug-related issues from the outset of your journey. Whatever path you choose, we can assist you in navigating the immunological terrain via experimental design and modelling.
Drug Discovery
Early-stage drug development and target validation may benefit greatly from experimental design and modelling. Potentially, it may be used to test preliminary theories concerning the relationships between biological pathways and disease pathologies. With so many possible hypotheses to investigate, the experimental design space for in vitro research is large, but the available experimental capacity is not. We can advise you on your next steps.
Functionality Route
The target of your compound maybe a specific function of cells and the associated immune response, such as phagocytosis, cytotoxicity, immunosuppression or the inhibition of a specific intracellular signalling, which may be not specific to a therapeutic area. We will help you to choose a route for your study that focuses on this specific function and incorporate the cell types that are necessary for it.
Cell-Based Route
Immundnz develops and adopts cell-based assays in established (cell lines) and primary cells. The mode of action may be specific to a particular type of cell, such as T cells or Th17 cells, or a combination of cell types such as macrophages and cytotoxic T cells. We will help you follow a cell-based route of study according to what is relevant to the compound mechanism.
Therapeutic Area Route
Immunology is involved in a wide range of therapeutic areas such as oncology, infection, systemic diseases, and also neurologic problems. We help you to follow a path that focuses on the therapeutic area and investigate the immune response that is involved in it.
Pre-Clinical Research
We help you develop a broad spectrum of assays to qualitatively assess your compound in early phase drug development to truly understand your potential drug targets's profile involved in human disease. We help you choose the best route towards first-in-man clinical trials.
Explore Mode of Action More
Understanding your drug's mechanism of action can provide you with information about the safety of the drug and how it eventually affects patients. It can also support in dose selection of a drug and determining which patients are most likely to respond to treatment. By helping you ask the right questions our experimental design and modelling expertise can accelerate your drug development.
Mitigating Obstacles On Your Course
A lack of translatable testing models may restrict insight into how a drug candidate will behave in the human body during the preclinical research stage. Immundnz's assays can assist you in precisely predicting immunogenicity potential by considering e.g., cell quality, culture conditions, and assay readout parameters. Understanding these risk variables may aid in the creation of successful testing techniques for your drug development program, hence boosting the chance of success and shortening the time to market.
Clinical Research
Investigating signaling pathways contributing to disease initiation and progression, involved in drug development, provides the opportunity to conduct clinical trials that use these molecular features to select patients, assign treatment, and evaluate treatment outcomes. This may enable for the design of clinical studies with greater effect sizes and lower sample numbers that can be concluded faster.
Immunological Research
When developing therapies that modulate the immune response, its complexity can present a challenge. Immundnz provides immunology assays, which use proven assays and primary cell lines to undertake immunological and pharmacological research into the many opportunities and therapeutic targets. Our mission is helping you better understand your drug.
Happy Client!
Whatever path you choose, you will face difficulties. Without a doubt, our strength is in assisting you to overcome them via cautious thinking and unrivaled senior immunology experience. We are experimental design and modeling specialists that like developing answers to complicated immunology issues. Every step of the way.
Your question
Thank you for entering our website with a question regarding your therapeutic molecule. Whether you're developing a small molecule, mRNA, protein or other product, the first point on our route is discussing your goals and challenges.